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In connection with the widespread prevalence of diabetes mellitus, the growth of tamsulosin for reasons related to diabetes, more and more importance is attached to the prevention and treatment of complications of this disease. One of the most frequent and serious complications is diabetic angiopathy. Let's take a closer look at this problem. There are two types of angiopathy, depending on which vessels are affected.

Microangiopathies - small vessels, capillaries are affected. Microangiopathies are divided into. retinOpatii - damage to the vessels of the eyes. Nephropathy - damage to the vessels of the kidneys. Macroangiopathies - large vessels, arteries and veins are affected. Cardiac ischemia. cerebrovascular disease. Peripheral angiopathy. With diabetic retinopathy, hemorrhages occur in the retina, the vessels expand, thicken, the retina ceases to receive a sufficient amount of oxygen. New vessels grow into it, leading to damage to the optic nerve and retinal detachment. If treatment is not carried out, including laser photocoagulation, complete loss of vision is possible.

In diabetic nephropathy, the microcapillaries of the glomeruli of the kidneys thicken. This leads to buy flomax online blood flow in the kidneys and their damage, the release of protein in the urine. Over time, kidney function deteriorates and kidney failure develops. In severe cases, the patient needs hemodialysis. The main cause of macroangiopathies is vascular atherosclerosis.

Ischemic heart disease is a lesion of the heart muscle due to atrosclerosis of the heart vessels. With coronary heart disease, a person is concerned about pain behind the sternum during physical exertion, shortness of breath, lack of air, interruptions in the work of the heart, and edema. Myocardial infarction and heart failure may develop. Cerebrovascular disease is a chronic circulatory failure in the brain. Manifested by dizziness, tinnitus, headaches, memory loss. In the later stages, strokes are possible.

Peripheral angiopathy plays a leading role in the development of serious complications of diabetes mellitus.
Why does diabetic angiopathy of the legs develop?
Most often, the vessels of the legs are affected, this condition is called diabetic angiopathy of the lower extremities.
Let's dwell on it in more detail.

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Diabetic angiopathy of the lower extremities is a lesion of the leg arteries that occurs in patients with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. In diabetes, arteries of flomax pills and small sizes are affected. They form atherosclerotic plaques. Over time, atherosclerotic plaque increases in size, thickens, blocking part of the blood flow. It can also break down, causing the formation of blood clots.

The situation is exacerbated by damage to small vessels. They thicken, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues decreases. In addition to everything, there is a thickening of the blood, slowing down the blood flow. Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the legs is also found in people who do not have diabetes mellitus. So what are their differences? How to recognize - the symptoms of diabetic angiopathy.

Symptoms of diabetic angiopathy of the lower extremities depend on its stage. There are 4 stages. Stage I is asymptomatic. There is vascular damage, but it does not manifest itself in any way. It can be detected using special examination methods. Stage II - pain during exercise. There is intermittent lameness. After passing a certain distance, the patient develops pain in the calf muscles caused by a lack of oxygen. After stopping the blood flow is restored, and the pain disappears. Symptoms of diabetic angiopathy. Also worried about heaviness in the legs, numbness, paresthesia (pins and needles), convulsions.

Stage III - pain at rest. Pain, muscle cramps appear in a horizontal position. The patient is forced to buy tamsulosin online his leg off the bed, thus reducing the pain. Stage IV - trophic disorders appear - trophic ulcers, gangrene. It should be noted that in diabetes, along with blood vessels, nerves are also affected, which causes a decrease in pain and intermittent claudication. A person may not feel the appearance of trophic ulcers, so it is necessary to regularly examine the feet for their presence.

What do legs look like with diabetic angiopathy of the lower extremities?